Matinées scientifiques Maia

02 Mai

Matinées scientifiques Maia

Thématique générale

Le but de ces matinées scientifiques Maia est de tenter de mettre en route quelques collaborations avec les industriels (toulousains ou non) ou avec des institutions plus appliquées comme par ex. l'ONERA ou le CEA. Cela se fera au début en proposant des séminaires réguliers avec des invités "industriels", pour nous présenter leur travaux actuels ainsi que leur soucis, permettant ainsi de voir ce qui se fait autour de nous, pour ensuite "peut-etre" ouvrir quelques nouvelles collaborations.

En lisant ces quelques lignes d'un article de Sergiu Klainerman, on comprendra mieux le but de ces matinées scientifiques Maia [S. Klainerman, "PDE as a unified subject", GAFA, Geom. funct. anal. Special Volume GAFA2000]

”In search of a unified point of view for our subject it pays to look at the broader problem of Mathematics as a whole. Isn't Mathematics also in danger of becoming a large collection of loosely connected subjects? Our cherished intellectual freedom to pursue whatever problems strike our imagination as worthwhile is a great engine of invention, but, in the absence of unifying goals, it seems to lead to an endless proliferation of subjects. This is precisely, I believe, what Poincaré [P] had in mind in the following passage, contained in his address to the first International Congress of Mathematicians, more than a hundred years ago.

The combinations that can be formed with numbers and symbols are an infinite multitude. In this thicket how shall we choose those that are worthy of our attention? Shall we be guided only by whimsy? ...[This] would undoubtedly carry us far from each other, and we would rapidly cease to understand each other. But that is only the minor side of the problem. Not only will physics perhaps prevent us from getting lost, but it will also protect us from a more fearsome danger .....turning around forever in circles. History [shows that] physics has not only forced us to choose [from the multitude of problems which arise], but it has also imposed on us directions that would never have been dreamed of otherwise.....What could be more useful!"

The full text of [P] is a marvelous analysis of the complex interactions between Mathematics and Physics. Poincaré argues not only that Physics provides us with a great source of inspiration and cohesiveness but that itself, in return, owes its language, sense of beauty and order to Mathematics. Yet Poincaré's viewpoint concerning the importance of close relations with Physics was largely ignored during most of this century by a large segment of the mathematical community.”

Planning sur le thème “Energie”

Le but de cette matinée est d’introduire quelques problématiques venant du domaine de la fusion thermonucléaire. Deux exposés sont proposés par des chercheurs du CEA de Cadarache (IRFM/SPPF/GTS) et un exposé plus mathématique par un collègue mathématicien travaillant dans le domaine.

Mercredi 25 Mai 2022, en Amphi L. Schwartz, IMT Bât 1R3

9h00-10h00 : Yanick SARAZIN « Introduction à la fusion par confinement magnétique: enjeux et verrous technologiques et physiques »

10h00-11h00 : Guilhem DIF-PRADALIER « Simulation numérique des plasmas de tokamaks: enjeux et problèmes actuels »

11h00-11h20 : Pause café

11h20-12h20 : Claudia NEGULESCU « Fokker- Planck multi-species equations in the adiabatic asymptotics »

12h30-14h00 : Buffet dans le hall de l’IMT