“Thanks to its scientific program, the LabEx CIMI aims to reach a new stage in the development and diffusion of research in mathematics and computer science in Toulouse. This program includes actions towards attractiveness, enabling a proactive strategy of high-level recruitments of confirmed and junior scientists and of outstanding students (french and foreigners). We will offer Excellence Chairs for long-term visitors, PhD and Post-Doctoral contracts, as well as supports for Master students. Attractiveness is further enhanced with thematic trimesters organized within CIMI on specific topics including courses, seminars and workshops.”
CIMI stands for "Centre International de Mathématiques et Informatique de Toulouse", or International Center of Mathematics and Computer Science in Toulouse.
It is one of the Excellence Laboratory chosen by the ANR for the period 2012-2025.
The LabEx CIMI brings together the members of
The Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT),
The Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT),
The LAAS (MAC, POP, ROC, SARA and TRUST teams).
The goal of CIMI is to to establish itself as a leading international center in mathematics, computer science, and their interactions. This original combination within a single structure goes beyond the current conventional collaborations and creates a real synergy suitable for achieving global excellence in research and in exploring innovative research areas. The means provided by the LabEx program will allow CIMI to be an international reference center and a leader on the themes put forward in the scientific project, attracting high-level scientists, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral students and coordinating powerful educational projects to attract the very best students at the Master level. The innovative tools developed at CIMI will have a strong economic impact on the region and will profit its industrial partners in major technological areas, making CIMI a strategic partner of the social and economic world.
CIMI is a unique place for research in mathematics and computer science attracting high-level scientists and students. The program includes actions towards attractiveness, enabling a proactive strategy of high-level recruitments of confirmed and junior scientists and of outstanding students (French and foreigners). These include excellence chairs for long-term visitors and visiting chairs supported by partners from the industry on specific projects. In addition, attractive permanent positions are created with CIMI’s institutional partners, through a selection procedure supervised by the CIMI boards. Grants for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral students, as well as supports for Master students, are features of the educational program. Attractiveness is further enhanced with thematic trimesters organized within CIMI on specific topics including courses, seminars and workshops.