Postdoctoral contracts
CIMI offers postdoc positions for up to 18 months because the LabEx will end in 2025. The last call will offer positions starting from June 2024 and finishing at the end of 2025. This initiative is now closed.
The postdoc may conduct her/his activities within either
the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT),
the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
the teams POP, MAC, ROC, SARA, TSF and VERTICS of the Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes (LAAS).
Eligibility criteria
Positions are open to holders of a doctorate in mathematics or computer science obtained before the contract starts either in France or in a foreign country. Offers are not theme-based and all mathematical and computer science disciplines are welcome. The selection will be based on the quality of prior scientific accomplishments and the relevance of the scientific project. Interactions between mathematics and computer science are encouraged and will be closely examined.
The scientific project must have been written up together with a member of either IMT, IRIT or LAAS.
CIMI applies an equal opportunity policy in recruitment.
Work contract conditions
The net salary starts from €2,200 per month and may be higher according to prior experience after the PhD. The contracts comes with health insurance and other social benefits. The postdoc is expected to participate to the scientific activities of the laboratory, in particular to seminars and working groups.
Application process
Applications are now closed.
Applicants must provide the following documents using the dedicated online platform :
A curriculum vitae with the list of publications
A motivation letter
The proposed scientific project (around 2 pages)
A detailed letter of support from your supervisor at the host institution. This letter will have to justify how the applicant’s scientific project fits in the host activities.
The names and contact e-mails of two referees willing to provide a recommendation letter. They will receive an automatic e-mail from CIMI to upload their letter. Please inform the referees before your application. Note that the application will be dismissed if the recommendation letters are not received prior to the closing date.
Where appropriate, a proposal for co-funding.
Selection process
Postdoc applications will be examined by CIMI Executive and Prospective Committees. Funding will be awarded on the basis of the quality of prior scientifc accomplishments and relevance of the scientific proposal.
List of previous postdocs supported by CIMI
First round
Thomas CAVALLAZZI (mathematics)
Rayan FAHS (mathematics)
Morgane GERARDIN (computer science)
Ronan MEMIN (mathematics)
Hugo PARADA (mathematics)
Albert SENEN CERDA (computer science)
Daniel VARGAS-MONTOYA (mathematics)
Samuele ZOBOLI (computer science)
Second round
Bin DENG (mathematics)
Boris SHAKAROV (mathematics)
Mario FUENTES (mathematics)
Nikki Levering (computer science)
Antoine ETESSE (mathematics)
Matthieu FAITG (mathematics)
Alejandro HERNANDEZ-WENCES (computer science)
Ousmane SACKO (mathematics, currently MCF Paris)
Jules VIDAL (computer science)
Shizhuo ZHANG (mathematics)
Thorsten ENGESSER (computer science)
Niels FELD (maths, currently MCF Rennes)
Mohamed Slim KAMMOUN (maths, currently Post-docs ENS Lyon)
Armand KOENING (maths, currently MCF Bordeaux)
Changzhen SUN (maths, currently CR CNRS)
Nicolas AUGIER (computer science, currently CR CNRS)
Yinling LIU (computer science, currently maître de conférence, Nancy, France)
Enrico FATIGHENTI (math, currently senior researcher, Bologna, Italy)
Naveen SAINI (computer science, currently IIT, Roorkee, India)
Federico LO BIANCO (maths, currently post-doc LabEx MILYON, France)
Samir SALEM (maths, currently post-doc fellow Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France)
Victor HERNANDEZ SANTAMARIA (maths, currently post-doc UNAM, Mexico)
Nasrine DAMOUCHE (computer science, currently research engineer, ISAE, Toulouse, France)
Jorge FANDINO (computer science, postdoc Alexander von Humboldt at Univ. Potsdam, currently assistant professor University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA)
Franziska KUHN (maths, currently assistant prof. TU Dresden, Germany)
Arthur RENAUDINEAU (maths, currently assist. prof (MCF), univ. Lille, France)
Arti YARDI (computer science, currently researcher Hyderabad, India)
Seyed Hamed ZAKERZADEH (maths, currently research engineer R++, Toulouse, France)
Manu Kumar GUPTA (computer science, currently assistant prof, Roorkee, India)
André BELOTTO DA SILVA (maths, currently prof. univ. Paris, France)
Cristobal QUININAO (maths, currently assistant prof. universidad de O'Higgins, Chili)
Nadine ABURUMMAN (computer science, currently lecturer Brunel univ., London, UK)
Petar ILIEV (computer science, currently researcher IPS, Academy of Sciences, Bulgary)
Tristan BENOIST (maths, currently researcher CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Assalé ADJE (computer science, currently assistant prof. (MCF), univ. Perpignan, France)
Bérénice DELCROIX-OGER (maths, currently assistant prof. (MCF) univ. Paris, France)
Martin DIEGUEZ (computer science, currently assistant prof. (MCF) université Angers, France)
Van Hoang NGUYEN (maths, currently lecturer/researcher FPT university, Vietnam)
Junyi XIE (maths, currently researcher CNRS Rennes, France)
Thomas DREYFUS (maths, currently researcher CNRS Strasbourg, France)
Timo JOLIVET (computer science, currently musician, Marseille, France)
Benedikt AHRENS (computer science, currently assist. prof. TU Delft, Netherlands)
Bertand CLOEZ (maths, currently researcher at INRAE, Montpellier, France)