The CIMI Executive Council has chosen to award a CIMI PhD contract to the candidates listed below in alphabetical order
- Kévin DELCOUR, Supervisors Adrian BASARAB (IRIT) and Nicolas MELLADO (IRIT)
- Diego GAJARDO, Supervisors Franck BOYER (IMT) and Michel FOURNIE (IMT)
- Athmane HACHIM, Supervisor Julio REBELO (IMT)
- Jyanyu MA, Supervisor Jérôme BERTRAND (IMT)
- Timothy PARKER, Supervisors Emiliano LORINI (IRIT), Umberto GRANDI (IRIT)
- Zheng ZHOU for a half scholarship as co-financing, Supervisors Pascal BERTHOU (LAAS), Nicola ACCETTURA (LAAS)